RR academic conversations.jpeg.jpg
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irregular verbs.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 7.3 MB
Evaluating a reading response.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 6.5 KB

English Class and Homework Policy

* In general, the only homework given in English class is reading and studying for spelling or verb tests.

**Sometimes students need to work on tasks related to the monthly project at home. It is the students' responsibility to keep on track in class and ask questions to other students during class, or if still unsure ask the teacher during class

***If a student is unsure of a task they need to complete, follow these steps:


1)      Ask questions during class: ask other students and then the teacher.

2)      If the student is at home and is still unsure, ask other students via text, email, or call them.

3)      If the student is still unsure, they are to ask the teacher the next class, not by email. It is the students’ responsibility to ask questions.

Extra homework (for those that would like more English work in sheet form)